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China Zongbao Clean Tech Ltd.

  • Country Vereinigtes Königreich

Company profile

China Zongbao Clean Tech Limited is a Chinese private enterprise operating in Shanghai, China as Shanghai Zongbao Environmental Engineering Limited formed on January 25, 2008. China Zongbao Clean Tech Limited was incorporated as a registered Hong Kong company on September 18, 2009. Shanghai Zongbao Environmental Engineering Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Zongbao Clean Tech Limited. The Company is primarily engaged in using innovative catalyzed hydrolysis solid ammonia technology to process active sludge and poultry excrement into microorganism compound fertilizers (bio-organic nitrogen energy fertilizers). As compost is used rather than chemical fertilizers, organic soils contain much more humus and organic carbon – which in turn retains more water. Rapid absorption of higher volumes of water by such soil enables a land mass that to less likely flood.

Organic and other forms of sustainable agro-ecology are not dependant on chemical fertilizers, so they find other ways to enrich and maintain the soil. More minerals and other nutrients are found in such soil, generally increasing yields and providing higher quality crops.

An added benefit is that organic soils hold much more carbon than soils farmed with conventional methods. Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels is now widely recognized as the principal cause of global warming. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and can put it permanently into the soil under the right conditions. The bio-organic nitrogen energy fertilizer from the Company acts in the same manner, improving production and providing increased efficiency.

The Company has a number of correlation technique patents, and has done a detailed analysis aimed at the customer crop farmers who are concerned about their crop price, their output and their production cycle, as well as soil and water conservation and other related issues. After many experiments with different types of fruit and vegetables, the Company has now developed over 100 different types of fertilizer formula.

CZCT currently has one sludge-processing workshop to produce microorganism compound fertilizer. The Company purchases the sludge, which the urban sewage treatment plant delivers, and it combines the sludge with poultry excrement which then undergoes fast-catalyzed hydrolysis. After nearly 5 hours of dehydration, sweetening, heavy metal ion removal and sterilization, the compounds turn into a microorganism compound fertilizer (bio-organic nitrogen energy fertilizer), and it is then sold to farmers. The Company’s products’ total oxygen yield may reach 50%, the highest value for any similar product.

IR contact

China Zongbao Clean Tech Limited

China Zongbao Clean Tech Limited

904, Harvest Building

29 – 35 Wing Kut Street

Central Hong Kong


Latest News

20 September 2011

08:30 Corporate

China Zongbao Clean Tech Ltd.


China Zongbao signs agreements for sale of organic fertilizers to Longkou

19 July 2011

08:30 Corporate DE

China Zongbao Clean Tech Ltd.


China Zongbao meldet Neuaufträge über 3.960 Tonnen organischen Dünger im Wert von 600.000 Euro – das entspricht einem Umsatzvolumen von 3,6 Millionen Euro für 2011

18 July 2011

20:30 Corporate

China Zongbao Clean Tech Ltd.


China Zongbao received new order contracts to sell 3,960 tons of organic fertilizers for 600,000 Euros to generate delivery for 2011 sales of 3,600,000 Euros

21 June 2011

09:30 Corporate DE

China Zongbao Clean Tech Ltd.


China Zongbao schließt Vertrag über Produktvermarktung ihres organischen Düngers mit der Ersten Landwirtschaftlichen Division des Xinjiang Construction Corps mit Einnahmen von 6.400.000 Euro zum Jahresende 2011

20 June 2011

20:30 Corporate

China Zongbao Clean Tech Ltd.


China Zongbao enters into product promotion agreement for organic fertilizers with First Agricultural Division of Xinjiang Construction Corps to earn Eur 6,400,000 for supply to year end 2011

27 May 2011

08:20 Corporate

China Zongbao Clean Tech Ltd.


China Zongbao signs agreement for sale of organic fertilizers to Cang County, China, bringing revenues established to 2.8 million Euros