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maxingvest GmbH & Co. KGaA

  • Country Deutschland

Company profile

maxingvest ag, formerly Tchibo Holding AG, is the parent company of the operating sub-groups Tchibo GmbH and Beiersdorf AG. As a management holding, maxingvest ag monitors and guides its subsidiaries. maxingvest ag holds a 100 per cent interest in Tchibo GmbH and a 50.46 per cent interest in Beiersdorf AG.

The new company name better distinguishes the holding company from the two operating sub-groups. Additionally, it commemorates the founding couple, Max and Ingeburg Herz, and underscores the character of the family business. The name unites tradition and corporate culture with solidity and corporate development – maxingvest represents continuity and value.

maxingvest internalises a deeply ingrained corporate culture. Through preserving what she has achieved and cultivating what she values, she ensures continuity in values, standards and attitudes. These lived convictions form a secure basis for the successful implementation of new ideas. maxingvest ag practices lasting entrepreneurial commitment: It is not about reaping maximum profits over the short term, but to increase the value of the companies in the long-run.