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Sofrinsky Experimental Mechanical Plant OJSC

  • ISIN US83402B2043
  • Country Russland

Company profile

OJSC Sofrinskiy experimental mechanical plant

Short Company Profile
Effective: May 2013

Trading Data

Total number of shares: 22,568,000 (nominal value of RUB 0.01 per share)
Share Capital: Local Listing of the Shares: RUB 225,680
The shares of the company (symbol ticker SEMZ) are qualified for trading under the ISIN RU000A0JQZ42 at the RTS (Classica Market; Quotation List B) as well as on the MICEX (Classia Market; Quotation List B for securities admitted to trading on the Innovation and Investment Market).
ISIN of the GDRs: US83402B2043
Number of GDRs: Up to 5,642,000
Ratio: 1 GDR represents 1 share
Depositary Bank: Deutsche Bank AG
Listing segment for the GDRs: Entry Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Shareholder Structure

Shareholders In %
Kostenko Anatoly 27.11 %
Kostenko Anastasija 8.93 %
Freefloat 36.81 %
Total 22,568,000 100.00 %

GDR Holders

GDR Holders In %
Two main investors 78.81 %
Freefloat 21.19 %
Total 3,626,000 100.00 %

Applicant: biw Bank für Investments und Wertpapiere AG
Deutsche Börse Listing Partner: ICF Kursmakler AG
Designated Sponsor: ICF Kursmakler AG
Specialist: Steubing AG

Company information

Date of Foundation: February 19, 1994
End of financial year: December 31
Accounting standards: Russian GAAP/IFRS

Management: Kostenko Anatoly, CEO
Popkov Andrey, CFO
Bunakov Vladimir, Chief Operating Officer

Board of Directors: Nechaev Andrey, Chairman
Zolotarev Dmitri
Kostenko Anatoly
Yakushenko Vladimir
Belyakov Vladimir
Eremina Olga

Business Description

Sofrinskiy is a Russian producer for tin and aluminium can packages. The factory of Sofrinskiy was built in 1963 and initially used for the forestry machinery industry. Since the restructuring in 2001, Sofrinskiy is focusing on today’s activity and is meanwhile one of the leading producers in Russia. The product portfolio includes more than 30 different kinds of packing solutions. The main manufacturing facility of Sofrinskiy is nearby Moscow, which is the largest regional can market. Further production facilities are located in Krasnodar, Kaliningrad und Nakhodka.

Sofrinskiy experimental mechanical plant OJSC
Kraynaya Street 2
141270 Moscow region, Pushkin district, Sofrino
Telephone / fax: +7 495 543-42-31