Consors Discount-Broker AG
ConSors Discount-Broker english
Consors Discount-Broker AG: BNP Paribas plans squeeze-out
Ad-hoc-announcement transmitted by DGAP.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Consors Discount-Broker AG: BNP Paribas plans squeeze-out
BNP Paribas, Paris, holder of more than 95 per cent of Consors Discount-Broker
AG capital stock, has requested of the Board of Management of Consors Discount-
Broker AG that an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of Consors Discount-Broker
AG approves a resolution whereby the shares held by the remaining minority
shareholders of Consors Discount-Broker AG be transferred to BNP Paribas against
payment of a cash compensation per no-par-value bearer share of Consors
Discount-Broker AG. BNP Paribas is currently undertaking the valuation of
Consors Discount-Broker AG necessary to determine the amount of the reasonable
and fair cash compensation.
end of ad-hoc-announcement (c)DGAP 17.09.2002
WKN: 542700; ISIN: DE0005427009; Index: NEMAX 50
Listed: Neuer Markt in Frankfurt; Freiverkehr in Berlin, Bremen, Düsseldorf,
Hamburg, Hannover, München und Stuttgart
170808 Sep 02
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