Eurobike AG
Eurobike AG
Ad-hoc-Mitteilung übermittelt durch die DGAP.
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
Düsseldorf, 30 July 2001, In the first nine months of FY 2000/2001 (ending 30
September), EUROBIKE AG, Düsseldorf, reported a sales of DEM 405,9 million (Q1-
Q3 1999/2000: up 5.2% from DEM 386 million) and a consolidated loss of DEM 46,4
million (profit of DEM 13.4 million). Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
amounted to a negative DEM 0.75 million (positive DEM 34.9 million). These
figures are consistent with the projections revised at the half-year stage. The
negative earnings are attributable to extraordinary effects, including a
noticeable increase in operating expenses for the restructuring of the EUROBIKE
AG to DEM 76.5 (58.6) million, and an extraordinary result of DEM 28.8 (0.01)
million. The latter is primarily due to provisions for doubtful debts and other
assets already announced at an earlier stage.
The Management Board of EUROBIKE AG has confirmed its previous forecast for full
2000/2001. The company expects a combine loss of up to DEM 80 million (up to
DEM 65 million for EUROBIKE AG) on sales of approx. DEM 515 million. The
restructuring concept developed in cooperation with Düsseldorf-based consultants
Droege & Comp. AG will be implemented swiftly, so that a clearly positive
result is expected for the next fiscal year.
Ende der Ad-hoc-Mitteilung (c) DGAP 30.07.2001
WKN: 570660; Index: SDax
Notiert: Amtlicher Handel in Frankfurt (SMAX) und Düsseldorf; Freiverkehr in
Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, München und Stuttgart
301757 Jul 01
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