Fionia Holding A/S
Expected key figures for Fionia Bank for the first half of 2008
Fionia Bank A/S / Release of a Adhoc News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Direktionen Vestre Stationsvej 7 Postboks 189 5100 Odense C Tlf.: 6520 4060 Fax: 6617 8394 11. juli 2008 OMX Nordic Exhange Copenhagen Nikolaj Plads 6 Postbox 1040 DK-1007 København K Announcement no. 14/2008 Expected key figures for Fionia Bank for the first half of 2008 Core result for the first half year amounts to approx. DKK 223 million Write downs for bad debts amounts to DKK 133 million Profit on investment portfolio is negative with approx. DKK 66 million Before-tax profit of approx. DKK 24 million Total capital ratio at the end of June is 11.0%. Tier 1 capital is 8.6% The core result has been realized in line with the budget and the expectations for the full year 2008 remains unchanged with a core result - before write downs and profit on the investment portfolio - of DKK 370 - DKK 400 million. Further to the company announcement no. 13/2008 - published 4th June informing about the increase in expected write downs for the full year 2008 from DKK 70 million to the range of DKK 170 million - DKK 200 million - Fionia Bank has calculated the actual need for write downs for the half-year to DKK 133 million. Based on the development in the banks total commitments, the expected write downs for the full year is unchanged at DKK 170 million to DKK 200 million - corresponding to approx. 0.7 - 0.8% of the aggregate of lending and guaranties. The market value of the banks investment portfolio is influenced by the turbulence in the financial markets during the 1st half year, which has lead to significant increases in interest rates and significant reductions in equity prices. The profit on the investment portfolio for the 2nd half year will be influenced by the development in the financial markets. The expected net profit for 2008 will increase Fionia Banks capital base. In addition Fionia Banks capital surplus according to the minimum requirements of 8%, stated in the Financial Business Act, amounts to more than DKK 800 million by the turn of the half year. Fionia Banks internal risk-assessment, that forms the basis for the calculating the individually required capital ratio according to the Basel rules, is still below 8%. Fionia Banks liquidity position by 30th June amounts to DKK 6.3 billions. The surplus liquidity according to the requirements in the Financial Business Act is 90.3%. Fionia Banks half-year report will be published Tuesday 5th August 2008. Please addres questions to CEO Finn B. Sørensen (+4520723810), or to EVP Kaj Østergaard Mortensen (+4565204400), or to EVP Henrik Borup Jeppesen. (+4565204120) News Source: NASDAQ OMX 11.07.2008 Financial News transmitted by DGAP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Language: English Issuer: Fionia Bank A/S Denmark Phone: Fax: E-mail: Internet: ISIN: DK0010169895 WKN: End of News DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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