Köhler & Krenzer Fashion AG
Köhler & Krenzer Fashion english
Changes in Management and Supervisory Board
Ad-hoc-announcement transmitted by DGAP.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Changes in Management and Supervisory Board
As from December 13, 2002, Mr. Matthias Eckhard is dropping out in mutual
agreement as a orderly member of the Management Board of Köhler & Krenzer
Fashion AG, a SMAX listed Company in Ehrenberg/Germany (ISIN DE0006303407).
Matthias Eckhard is resigning due to different concepts in business policy and
the future development and strategy of the group.
As from the end of the annual general meeting of Köhler & Krenzer Fashion AG on
December 12, 2002, Mr. Wolfgang Biedermann, dropped out by his own request as
Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Shareholders voted for Mr. Michael Hultgren
as his successor.
The managing board
For further information please contact:
Köhler & Krenzer Fashion AG, Am Schwimmbad 6, D-36115 Ehrenberg
Telephone + 49-(0) 06683-15-0, Fax + 49-(0) 6683-15-51
e-mail: investor.relations@koehler-krenzer.de
Internet: http://www.koehler-krenzer.de
end of ad-hoc-announcement (c)DGAP 12.12.2002
WKN: 630340; ISIN: DE0006303407; Index:
Listed: Geregelter Markt Frankfurt (SMAX), Hamburg; Freiverkehr in Berlin,
Düsseldorf, München
121321 Dez 02
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